Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Simply The Best

O.K. Technically this is the second photo posted to my new blog. But in fact the first one was just a placeholder to get things established so this is REALLY the first official posting.  I make this distinction because this photo carries the title of "best photo I have ever taken." The #1 rating isn't because it is perfectly composed, exposed, etc. It gets top honors because it captures exactly how I feel about the time my family and I spent on the Outer Banks of North Carolina when I was growing up. I've taken lots of great pictures of the OBX area but this is the best one in achieving Henri Cartier description of "To take a photograph is to align the head, the eye and the heart. It is a way of life."

Photo Credit:  Soundside of Outer Banks at sunset - September 2002.


  1. Wow! What a really cool photo! We look forward to more great stuff. After all, we've seen your photography and love it!
