Tuesday, November 9, 2010

"Oh Snap" - Week In The Life At Goddard

The last week in October 2010, Goddard Space Flight Center conducted a program for employees called "Oh Snap." The idea was to have employees take their own cameras and document the people, the buildings and the activities that  make up the center,  I didn't much of a chance to play with my camera due to a busy week but did manage to get a couple of shots.  Enjoy!

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Several employees took advantage of pretty fall colors that were on display around the lake that is on the center grounds and submitted shots in bold color. . I decided to take a different approach and shoot the lake with my little infrared camera. The Hubble Space Telescope looks at the universe in the infrared spectrum so I figured why not do the same to the center that is called "Home of the Hubble."

Goddard Lake - Infrared

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Building 32 at Goddard contains many of our Earth scientists so it seems very appropriate to show how the building interacts with Mother Nature!

Building 32 / East Campus - Infrared

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I've always thought the lobby inside Building 32 had a bit of a space ship loot k to it. Late on the last day of the "Oh Snap" program, I tried to get a few shots of employees leaving the "mother ship."

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Even though I didn't get a chance to shoot more during the official week-in-the-life program, my hope is to get some interesting shots in the coming months. Stay tuned for more!

1 comment:

  1. Cool photos! So, when is your gallery going public in downtown Annapolis?
